Various different units are availabe for deburring and finishing tasks in the metal industry, depending on the application at hand. LOEWER offers a wide range of machine models featuring different units in varying combinations. Each type of unit has its own specific advantages. One example is the LOEWER TD transversal disc unit for deburring and edge rounding sheet metal. This unit achieves uniform edge rounding from all angles and directions and ensures even wearing of the abrasive tools.
LOEWER D - Rotating Disc without Oscillation
The workpiece is placed on a feed belt and passes the rotating disc which works from the top. The disc diameter is larger than the width of the feed belt which means that the work piece is processed from two directions: left to right and right to left.
- Processing in principle from two directions
- Even wearing of abrasive tools
- Economic solution
The LOEWER D unit features in the CrossMaster and BeltMaster TbD models.

LOEWER DO - Rotating Disc with Small Oscillation
The discs oscillate with a small stroke, preferably a little bigger than the disc diameter. The workpiece is processed evenly from all angles and directions. In order to achieve a uniform wear of all discs the workpieces must be placed evenly on the feed belt.
- 360° processing from all directions
The LOEWER DO unit features in the DiscMaster SF and DiscMaster 3D models.

LOEWER TD - Transversal Disc Unit
The discs rotate and oscillate with a large stroke over the full width of the feed belt. The workpiece is processed uniformly from all angles and directions. The disc tools wears evenly, independent of the size of the workpiece or where it is placed on the feed belt.
- 360° processing from all angles and directions
- Uniform wear of all discs
The LOEWER TD unit features in the DiscMaster 2TD, 4TD and 6TD machine range as well as in the BeltMaster K4TD models.

LOEWER P – Planetary Unit
A single LOEWER planetary head is equipped with three rotating discs which in turn are mounted to a rotating head. The workpiece is processed evenly from all angles and directions and the disc tools wear evenly.
For wider machines we offer a triple planetary head which consists of three heads beside each other. In order to get more uniform edge rounding between the heads the entire unit is equipped with a small oscillation.
- uniform processing from various directions
- even wear of all discs (only single head)
The LOEWER P unit is used in the DiscMaster P and SmartGrinder FST models.

LOEWER K – Abrasive Belt Unit with Contact Drum
The abrasive belt unit with a contact drum can be used for graining a decorative straight-line finish or for deburring. Depending on the application at hand, the hardness and diameter of the contact drum can be selected accordingly. For example a harder drum is better for straight-line finishing whilst a softer drum works better for deburring.
- Decorative straight-line finish
Our abrasive belt units can be equipped with the unique LOEWER floating head system which allows the entire unit to move out of the way if the grinding pressure gets too high. This system prevents the workpiece overheating and protects the expensive contact drum from damage.
The LOEWER K unit features in the SmartGrinder and BeltMaster models.

LOEWER Tb – Twinbelt Unit
The patentedTwinBelt unit has been developed for deburring parts with a heavy slag. This unit features a soft rubber layer on the drum in combination with an additional pressure belt inside the abrasive belt, thus creating a large amount of pressure on the inside and outside edges of the workpiece. At the same time the unit is able to compensate variations in thickness or distortions on the part. The TwinBelt unit is the ideal solution for deslagging.
- Patented unit with great deburring power and the flexibility to compensate variations in workpiece thickness
The LOEWER Tb unit features in the BeltMaster TbD model.

LOEWER B – Barrel Brush Unit
Barrel brushes are mainly used to improve the surface after abrasive belt grinding. Other applications include roughening or cleaning the surface. A large variety of brushes are available for different applications.
The LOEWER B unit features in the SmartGrinder, MultiBrush and MiniSpin models.

LOEWER R - Rotary Brush Head
Features eight counter-rotating brushes on a single head which moves around a vertical axis while oscillating across the workpiece. This results in a very uniform, 360° processing from all angles and directions. Uniform edge rounding up to a radius of 2 mm is made possible.
The four outside brushes can be adjusted separately in height and rpm to the four inside brushes, making it ideal for using two different brush types at the same time i.e. such as lamella brushes for edge rounding and wire brushes for oxide removal.
- Even 360° edge rounding from all angles, up to a radius of 2 mm
- Even wearing of brushes
- Two different brush types can be used at the same time